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Suffolk Climate Change Partnership (SCCP)

Suffolk’s local authorities have been working together on county-wide climate change project work since 2007 through the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership (SCCP).

The SCCP consists of:

  • Suffolk County Council
  • Babergh District Council
  • East Suffolk Council
  • Ipswich Borough Council
  • Mid Suffolk District Council
  • West Suffolk Council
  • The Environment Agency

The SCCP also works with other organisations locally including Groundwork Suffolk and the University of Suffolk.

All partners have a shared interest in supporting Suffolk’s communities, businesses and residents to reduce carbon emissions.

Each council in Suffolk has acknowledged the climate emergency, with commitments that include both reducing carbon emissions for their own estates and operations. They have also pledged to support the aspiration of making Suffolk carbon neutral by 2030 and will achieve this by working with partners across the county and region including the health sector, other emergency services, and Public Sector Leaders.

Suffolk Climate and Energy Helpline – 0800 02 88 938

The SCCP run a helpline that provides free, independent advice and information to Suffolk residents on ways to save energy at home, and in the community, helping local people save money on their energy bills, and reduce their household carbon footprint.

Creating the The Greenest County

Further information on the work of the SCCP and what Suffolk is doing to achieve its Greenest County aspiration can be found at Green Suffolk – Creating the Greenest County.

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